I like sports because you have to use your body to win the game. Another reason is because there are lots of options. For you legs you can play soccer but for your arms you can play basketball. This webpage is going to be about the different kinds of sports.
Basektball is a sports you have to throw the ball and put it through the hoop. The team scoring more goals win the game. One goal is 2 points but if you shoot outside of the 3 point line and make it the team gets three points.
In soccer you can only use your feet. If you use your hand you get a yellow card and if you get two of them your out of the game. The goal of socceer is to shoot the ball towards the goal and make the goal. The team with more goals win the game
Tennis is a sport using a racket. You have to hit the ball over the net. You have to hit it hard enough so the other team player wouldn't be able to hit the ball back. The ball can bounce once but it can't bounce twice. The person who scores the most points wins.
Swimming is a under water sports. You have to swim in water and try to be the fastest person to touch the finishing wall. When you first start you have to dive. Then you come out and start swimming. There are 4 different kinds of strokes.
In volleyball the point of the game is to score more points to score points you have to jump and spike the ball over the net. When you spike the ball the ball can't go over the line or it is a out. One team gets three touches on the ball. Everytime a team scores it restarts with a serve.